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To Show our support for
Congressman Darrel Issa’s action
Demand a full Investigation

 On Going
(Send the provided letters!)

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  "We the People" Support
Congressman Darrell Issa

Respectfully send the Letters to the 
President of the United States
And The DOJ

Requesting the release of all documents
Related to the Gunrunner Case.


To Congress to demand a full investigation into the Obama Administration for any/all Anti- American activity
Demand a return of the HUAC!

Please Participate!
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  Email and Fax the Provided  letters!

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The Honorable Darrell Issa
United States House of Representatives
2347 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-0549

Dear Congressman Issa,

This letter is to inform you of great support for you as Chairman of the House Oversight Committee from your fellow Americans! "We the People" realize the daunting task you have in investigating the last 2 1/2 years of the Obama Administration. We are watching and we are listening to you in your hearings, and we are outraged at the things we are learning about our President and our Government! We want you to know how much support you have across this wonderful country of ours, and we stand behind you in all the difficult work that lies ahead of you.

Your report on the Obama Propaganda being exposed is just the beginning!

We have watched as the Obama Administration has stonewalled the Investigation of Project Gun Runner as well! We know this goes all the way to the top!

The American people are quite a bit smarter than this Government administration gives us credit for. We pay attention to every single action being taken. We are informed citizens, probably more now than at any time in the last 50 years!
The failure of Mr. Obama's policies, combined with the massive increase in the national debt, rising unemployment, the implosion of the housing market, the stonewalling, the propaganda and illegal use of taxpayer money to further his agenda, the continued war in Libya without Congressional approval and a growing perception of incompetence, are coalescing factors to give weight to the demand that he resign or be Impeached.

When republics start to ignore their founding documents, they are literally committing suicide and, in Obama’s case, it is an assisted suicide.

Know that we are completely behind you and your efforts, Congressman Issa. We have been excitedly waiting for you to take control of the Oversight Committee. The American people deserve better than what we have received for the last 2 1/2 years. We know with our support for your efforts from all across the country, you will see these investigations through to the proper disposition. We feel our country cannot survive even the rest of Mr. Obama's first term in office. How would we ever live through a second term?

Thank you for all that you are doing. The Country appreciates you and we support you in all your efforts.

Very respectfully yours,

  Letter #1   - To show support for Congressman Darrell Issa

Scroll down to optional second letter

Highlight and copy or download PDF located below each letter
Letter #2- To President Obama

Scroll down for optional second letter
The President
Barack Obama
The White House

To: President Obama

From: We The People

We are writing to you today to make you aware of the outrage and extreme displeasure in the country as we witness the Stonewalling by the DOJ and the ATF with regard to the ATF Gun Runner Investigation. We request that you order these agencies to release the requested documents to the House Oversight Committee so they can perform their Investigation!

Americans are watching and listening to the ATF hearings being conducted by the House Oversight Committee on the Project named “Fast & Furious”.

We are outraged over this program that was started by the ATF, allowing guns to “walk” over the border into Mexico and into the hands of criminals, as well as numerous guns from this program possibly making their way into areas in our own country.
If not for this program, Brian Terry would be alive today! The people who allowed and controlled this program are directly responsible for Agent Terry's death and need to be held accountable; no matter whom that person/persons may be. In the private sector, if a person were to make an error on this scale, they would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law!

These guns were allowed to “walk” without being interdicted by the ATF agents, who we now know, were ORDERED to let them “walk”. This is completely UNACCEPTABLE!

We, the American people are quite a bit smarter than this current Government administration gives us credit for. We pay attention to every single action that is going on in this administration. We are informed citizens, probably more now than at any time in the last 50 years!

When republics start to ignore their founding documents, they are literally committing suicide. We feel that you may be contributing to that effort. Americans have had enough. We DEMAND you have the above Departments release the requested documents immediately to the House Oversight Committee.

 Letter #3- To Your Senators! Demand an Investigation!

Scroll down for optional second letter

Dear (Senator/Representative),

"We The People" are writing to you today to advise you that the American People are outraged as we witness the Stonewalling by the DOJ and the ATF with regard to the ATF Gun Runner Investigation, also known as Operation Fast & Furious.

We demand that you apply pressure on the President, the DOJ and the ATF to release the requested documents to the House Oversight Committee so they can perform their Investigation!

Americans are watching and listening to the ATF hearings being conducted by the House Oversight Committee on Project Fast & Furious.

We are outraged over the program that was started by the ATF, with allowing guns to “walk” over the border into Mexico and into the hands of criminals, as well as numerous guns from this program possibly making their way into areas in our own country.

If not for this program, Brian Terry would be alive today! The people who controlled and allowed this program are directly responsible for Agent Terry's death and need to be held accountable; no matter whom that person/persons may be. In the private sector if a person were to make an error on this scale, they would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law.

These guns were allowed to “walk” without being interdicted by the ATF agents, who we now know, were ORDERED to let them “walk”. This is completely UNACCEPTABLE!

We have watched as the Obama Administration has stonewalled the Investigation of Project Gun Runner! We know this goes all the way to the top!

The American people are quite a bit smarter than this Government administration gives us credit for. We pay attention to every single action that is taking place. We are informed citizens, probably more now than at any time in the last 50 years! 

The failure of Mr. Obama's policies, combined with the massive increase in the national debt, rising unemployment, the implosion of the housing market, the stonewalling, the propaganda and illegal use of taxpayer money to further his agenda, the continued war in Libya without Congressional approval and a growing perception of incompetence, are coalescing factors to give weight to the demand that he resign or be Impeached.

When republics start to ignore their founding documents, they are literally committing suicide and, in Obama’s case, it is an assisted suicide.

Congress, you would be wise to assert your power as an EQUAL branch of Government. You DO NOT HAVE TO BE IGNORED! We have not seen very much assertion from Congress in the past 2 1/2 years, therefore, it is about time! And, because of our votes in November 2010, the Republicans regained control of the House. Now we are looking for you to do the job we elected you to do. We absolutely DEMAND Accountability!  

 Link to PDF for printing

Address for mailing is in Letter header
The Honorable Darrell Issa
United States House of Representatives
2347 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-0549

Dear Congressman Issa,

I am filled with pride that someone is finally standing up to the current administration and bringing to light the vile corruption and continual lies that have been spewing from within our White House and Department of Justice. I am finally feeling a sense of hope that the country I love may survive and once again become the greatest country on earth.

"We the People" feel that as more and more evidence is coming to light of the propaganda, misuse of taxpayer funds, out right lies, withholding requested evidence and refusing to co-operate with investigations among many other things is grounds for resignations of not just Mr. Holder, but many others involved. Those involved must be held to account and stand trial for their crimes, including any prison time so warranted. This also indicates that the president is rapidly approaching possible impeachment, for actions that appear to be treasonous, seditious, out right fraud and collusion.  

I urge you to continue investigating the issues that surround this administration. I urge you to follow through with all legal action, including trials and incarceration of those involved. We are a nation of laws, not just a nation of men. This administration has continually "thumbed its nose" at the constitution and lower court rulings when it does not agree with their agenda. They are choosing which laws they want to follow and which ones they do not. Any person in this country doing the same and so caught, would be tried and imprisoned for many years, as well as paying massive fines and reparations. Such a person would have their career ruined, their reputation in shambles and those affected by their actions would have a sense that justice was served.

I am just one of many thousands, perhaps millions of people that support your efforts, Congressman Issa. Please continue your efforts to correct and repair the path that this country is headed towards by investigating those responsible within our government and holding them accountable for all crimes they have committed.


  PDF for printing
The President
Barack Obama
The White House

President Obama,

I am just one of millions that have watched and listened in great dismay at the machinations of your administration and the Department of Justice to circumvent the investigations of the House Oversight Committee. You call yourselves "educated", "constitutional lawyers", etc. I dare say and assert, you are criminals, nothing more, nothing less. You decide what laws and rulings you will follow or will not follow, while expecting and demanding that any person in this country be held to the letter of those same laws and rulings, unless of course they are within certain sectors of the population.

This is a nation of laws, not just of men. I am sure you have probably heard that said before. You seem amazed that millions of people in this country do not admire and/or respect you, not just as a person, but due to the office you hold. I can tell you why this is the case. We find it very close to impossible to admire, let alone respect anyone regardless of their wealth or lack thereof, their standing in society or lack thereof, that outright lies to the people, refuses to live by the laws of the land and the founding documents, and believes themselves above the law. Your administration and the Department of Justice do these things, daily!

Therefore, may I suggest, no, I demand that your administration and the Department of Justice start following the laws of the land and cooperate with the House Oversight Committee's requests for any and all information it needs to do its job, now and in the future.

We the People are very aware of the current state of government in this country and we have had enough of the games, lies and misdirection. You are not above the law. No one is above the law. You can continue down your current path if you choose, however I must caution you that the people have had their fill of it. The people demand justice be served. Stop playing the games and allow justice to be served or find yourselves in even deeper trouble once you are no longer "protected" by the office(s) you and others hold. The truth will come out. Whether from your hand, with your cooperation or not, the truth will come out. Then, We the People will very willingly be able and ready to see that justice from truth is appropriately prosecuted.

 Link to PDF for printing
Dear (Rep/Sen),

I am writing to you to demand that you take all action available to require the White House and Department of Justice to co-operate fully with any and all investigations being held by the House Oversight Committee, currently under way and any forthcoming in the future. The current administration has demonstrated utter contempt for the laws of this land and our constitution. They refuse to co-operate and comply with requests by the committee, as well as abide by lower court rulings that do not agree with their agenda.

If I or any other person in this country behaved as such, we would find ourselves on trial and in jail. The attitude of this administration that they are above the law is not acceptable, not now, not ever. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW! We are a nation of laws, not just a nation of men.

You were elected by THE PEOPLE and THE PEOPLE DEMAND that this administration follow the law, as the people are required to do. If the administration refuses, then they must be held accountable to the full extent of the law. Nothing less is acceptable!

The people will stand with you in your efforts to see that justice is served. If you value your current job and hope to continue your current "employment", then it's time for you to listen to your employer, the people who put you in your job in the first place. It is not just government that can give and take away; it is also something we the people can do as well. You are hereby notified of such! Either require the administration to comply fully with any current and future committee investigations or you will be looking for a new job in the near future. The people will be heard, if not by you, then by someone who will listen and act accordingly.


 Link to PDF for printing
Fax Number: 202-225-3303